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Thursday, June 14, 2012

What you will never find out about Jupiter

Jupiter, the largest planet in our beautiful solar system, has something like 63 moons, as of 2009. There are two moons in particular that are of great interest to me - for personal reasons - Io and Ganymede.

Now NASA tells us, and Astronomers tell us there is no life on Jupiter or any of it's moons. I know personally that that is not true. So why is NASA so interested in Jupiter's and Saturn's moons? Why do they want to mine them? I don't know about whether Jupiter itself is inhabited - possibly not from my understanding of the area - but I know of 3 moons of Jupiter that are inhabited: Io, Gaynmede, and Callisto (I believe the third one is called). How do I know this? Because I have encountered extraterrestrials from those first two moons I mentioned, not once but twice within a four year period. These Jovian Extraterrestrials, as I call them, are human to look at. No, they are not Earth humans pretending to be Jovian extraterrestrials either. They are not a figment of my imagination either. They are real and they have been visiting and watching the Earth and it's inhabitants for at least 10,000 Earth years.

Want some proof: Okay.... This is not my photo but someone else's, and I'm sure you are familiar with the image - BUT THIS IMAGE IS ACTUALLY A JOVIAN SCOUTSHIP TAKEN IN BROAD DAYLIGHT:

The unmorphed position of a Jovian Scoutship.
These scoutships are amazing craft, and they are only about 20 feet in length on the outside. On the inside, however, they are roughly 62 feet in length, a phenomenon or illusion I am still trying to figure out. These scoutships are the only UFOs seen on Earth that have about a 60cm gap between the upper and lower halves of the UFO. And these scoutships morph. They change shape. When it is night time, in both their normal unmorphed and morphed positions they have a row of five orange/yellow lights a third the distance from the top on the bottom section of the UFO. In the morphed position the whole UFO takes on a more pointed shape, something like a tear drop with a pointed end where it is narrower, which is at the front of the craft. It can also appear with or without a front window, as the occupants are able to hide the front window at will (or at the flick of a button?).

Want more proof? Okay, back in 1990 I had my second encounter with these Jovian Extraterrestrials. They came to tell me something was going to happen to their home worlds, something catastrophic, that was about to make them all evacuate their home worlds/moons. They also told me they could not visit me for a long time - more than 4 years. It has been 25 years now and I'm still waiting on their return.

Now, how could I possibly know that what was to happen to their home worlds would be comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 impacting into Jupiter 4 years later? I am not the sort of person who receives prophetic visions of destruction. I know what I know because extraterrestrials told me so. They are not demonic entities, that much I do know.

In 2009 I received a telepathic message from one of the original occupants of the Scoutship, who was from Saturn's moon Titan, telling me "the Jovian people had to evacuate their home worlds quickly and now have no way of getting back home because their own vibrational energies no longer matched that of their home worlds or that of Jupiter. Life as it used to be could no longer exist in its current form anymore."

"The energy frequencies of the entire Jovian system had altered. The explosions caused by comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 colliding with Jupiter triggered a chain reaction in the planet’s energy frequencies creating a higher vibrational energy frequency to resonate throughout the entire Jovian system. (The Jovian moons are still pretty much uninhabitable for its native people.)"

Also, the extraterrestrial from Titan told me "only the Planetary Council members have returned to those home worlds of Jupiter, specifically to Io, as their own energy frequencies are much higher in vibration than non-council members. (In 2009 Jupiter began to show signs of a stabilized energy frequency.) The Planetary Council members are the only Jovians that are capable of withstanding the altered energy frequency of Jupiter and as such have begun trying to balance out the energy frequencies of Jupiter so the remaining populace can return home."

"The Jovian non-Planetary Council members (civilians so to speak) are now faced with the ultimate catastrophe any species could possibly be challenged with. They are faced with the need to evolve into much higher evolved beings if the Planetary Council members cannot return the Jovian system’s energy frequencies back to normal. If this cannot be done the Jovian people will lose their home worlds forever."

Resettling on Earth could not have been the easiest choice to make as the Earth is already overcrowded with human beings. Marooned or stranded, temporarily, across a vast area of our galaxy the Jovians now had another problem to contend with. Most recently another comet collided with Jupiter which unbalanced Jupiter again despite the really strong vibrational energies that are coming from Io. What happens next is anyone’s guess!

Still want more proof? Read this article. This is the only actual proof I can give you that is based on our reality, apart from the photo of their scoutship. I printed it up as a pdf file so you could click on it and read it right here: I also wanted a copy of it for myself, for sentimental reasons. This just proves that life exists on the moons of Jupiter. There is no way SETI and NASA could have made this up. If extraterrestrials did not exist on Jupiter's moons then why would the above photo exist; why would I know so much about those Jovian people; and why was SETI and NASA able to intercept a radio signal that originated from Ganymede?

For more details about my contacts with the Jovian people, please read my 1986 and 1990 Alien encounters. To locate the link on this site look for "Click to view my Alien, Angelic and paranormal encounters." just below the header image. Click on the link that says "Alien". You will need to scroll down the next page that loads to locate both encounters.


  1. Have you heard of Europa? I think that microbial extraterrestrial organisms almost certainly live under the surface, which may be a large ocean heated up by the pull of Jupiter.

    Concerning this post: are you serious about this?!

    1. Just testing the threaded comments in Google Chrome. For my actual reply see comment below this one.

  2. Yes I have heard of Europa. And yes I am serious about this post going on the fact that aliens are real. Whether aliens are real or not is a whole different story.

    1. What part is "so cool", Taylor? This is just an anonymous comment test says Shirley Hardy!

    2. Hey, it ain't 11:40PM. It's only 4:37PM.

    3. It's so cool that you have had contact with ET!

  3. [ma]Adding marquee test comment to see what happens when I add a long comment.[/ma]

  4. I wonder if there are [im]http://www.gifs.net/Animation11/Nature/Weather/Black_tornado.gif[/im] on Jupiter?

  5. [im]http://abyss.uoregon.edu/~js/images/Jupiter.gif[/im]

  6. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIfH9ywe-v8[/youtube]

  7. I might have discovered the majical easy embed for YouTube videos. I'm going to try it...


  8. [youtube]http://oembed-js.appspot.com/?url=[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwLKOqpYZNk][&callback=foo][/youtube]
    Gotta try every combination possible.

  9. [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIfH9ywe-v8]

    This is a test to see if this works. Hopefully it will.

  10. Hey, now there's some cool ET emoticons... You've just been #-ABDT

  11. #-A #-B #-C #-D #-E #-F #-G #-H #-IJ #-K9 #-ARGH2 #-ABDT #-GRT #-PRB1 #-PRB2 #GRT #-TUF

  12. Oh crud, now the new emoticons aren't working. Too cold here to continue. Will try again tomorrow.

  13. [video=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E-8_wDgN7c]

    Not an alien, but it looks like one. Featured here is the legendary medusae known as Deepstaria enigmatica.

    1. Am I doing this wrong?


    2. I don't think I wrote the instructions up correctly, Taylor. A typical youtube url to add is like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIfH9ywe-v8 which has all the comments for that video underneath it on the same page. The video url is taken from the main viewing page on Youtube - the one with the comments underneath it and the related videos in the right hand column.

      As for the video you used, well all 3 urls won't display anything when you add the urls to google search or in the web browser url search bar and press enter. Either it is the wrong url or the video is blocked from public sharing.

      I got all the code for adding Youtube videos to blogger comments from this site: http://ayar.myanmarsar.org/2012/04/blogger-comments-youtube-video.html Just scroll down to almost the bottom of that tutorial post and you'll see the youtube urls in green text, the ones you're supposed to use. Use those urls as reference. Just don't give up on it, okay?

      In the meantime, I'll try rewording the instructions so it is more easily understandable.

    3. Oh what? The above video was not supposed to display like that so I'm trying another video url. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITH3gwccX0A I wrote just a plain youtube url with no brackets or anything surrounding it. Just the url was supposed to display not the video itself. I'm thinking the video above displayed because I already added the correct code for it to display as a video 5 comments ago. It's just a theory anyway.

      This is getting way too weird.

    4. Hey, where did my previous comment go? It just vanished into thin air. Maybe this threaded comment only accepts one video per threaded comment? Well, that just sucks! Something else for me to fix.

      Its official, you don't have to add the [video=] code to make a Youtube video display now. You only need just the correct url.

    5. Never mind. Two of my comments were thrown in the SPAM section, then had to refresh this page to get the missing comments to display. So everything is good again. For a moment there I thought this threaded comments code and/or the Youtube code had flaws in it but apparently not.

  14. Let's see if this works. I clicked on a random (related video) on Youtube and it has the words &feature=related at the end of the url. Just pasting in the entire url only; no other code. But will it display is another question.


  15. https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?v=107552689257819&set=t.100000063426737&type=2&theater

  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E-8_wDgN7c

    Crossing my fingers...

    1. Okay, I don't think that video is going to work. I'll try another...


      Bigfoot is officially even more awesome!

  17. [url=http://yoursmiles.org/t-heart.php][img]http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/heart/t4539.gif[/img][/url]

  18. [img]http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/heart/t4539.gif[/img]

  19. [img]http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/heart/t4539.gif[/img]

  20. [im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h01117.gif[/im][im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h0184.gif[/im][im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h0129.gif[/im][im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h01141.gif[/im][im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h01159.gif[/im][im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h01160.gif[/im][im]http://yoursmiles.org/hsmile/alien/h01155.gif[/im]

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Did you delete your own comment because I sure didn't? I'm confused. And make me even more confused this threaded comment form is now working on my pc using Internet Explorer.

  22. [im]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-A46CO6HyZTY/T-heRHe4yJI/AAAAAAAAHlU/FuiY2wtXwxE/s50/green-tough-animated-alien-emoticon-smiley-emotion-msn-yahoo-skype-facebook.gif[/im]

  23. [im]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-_LjO2HHkn-Y/T-hd98fdrtI/AAAAAAAAHkQ/wdm6hM2_AXQ/s60/alien_crying-38.gif[/im]

    1. Don't cry, you can figure this out!

  24. [im]http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/heart/t4539.gif[/im]


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